I went shopping with my 12 year old daughter this weekend. It was an expedition to get her some new clothes.
She’s a tween- not quite a teenager, no longer a little girl, she’s in-between – and boy oh boy it’s an interesting time.
Do you remember when you were a “tween”?
Nothing quite fits properly, clothes are either too big, too old or too child like.
You’re trying to discover a style that suits and is comfortably you, but you’re not even quite sure what that is yet.
You know what you like, and how you’d like to be seen; yet it feels a little awkward because you know you still have some growing to do.
You’re desperate to be who you are, to be a genuine true expression of self, and you also want to be seen as competent, capable and confident.
Sound familiar?
It got me thinking about how being an emerging leader is a bit like being a tween.
The transition into leadership roles can feel exactly like this. Stepping into your leadership potential, moving from one stage of development to another.
For my daughter, Im grateful that I am able to be there for her; supporting, guiding, coaching and mentoring as she navigates this stage, and discovers her identity. It’s an honor to be part of her self discovery.
Sadly, many emerging leaders don’t get that kind of support or mentorship, which not only affects them, it affects their team.
“Studies have shown that 47% of managers don’t receive any training when they take on a leadership role;
and whilst 83% of organisations say its important to develop leaders at all levels, only 5% have fully implemented leadership development at all levels.”
Being a “tweeneader” (aka emerging leader) can feel like such a difficult and awkward stage, it’s worth remembering that it can also be a beautiful time.
It’s the time we get to learn more about ourselves, and we get to choose how we want to show up, how we want to express ourselves in a way that has a positive impact and influence on others, that feels true to who we are.
I absolutely love working with emerging leaders for this very reason. I love watching their awareness of self unfold, their discovery of their unleashed potential, and their excitement at all that they are yet to implement in their work lives.
Such a precious time. And certainly a time when we should be investing in our emerging leaders.
So, what are some key tips for our ‘tweeneaders’, our emerging leaders, as they embark on this adventure of self leadership?
- Emulate don’t imitate – Be true to you. Be yourself. You will have role models, people you admire. You don’t have to be them. Be your own version of the qualities that you most value in them.
- Understand the Self Leadership Cycle: Whether an emerging or established leader its worth understanding that we are all, always, on our own Self Leadership cycle of becoming. You are forever becoming more self-aware, mastering how you show up in the world and with others, and adapting your self-expression accordingly. It never ends.
- Focus on Connection: Take the time to know and understand your team. It is in the small moments that you build trust with the members of your team through genuine interest, care and communication. Dare to care.
- Be collaborative: Being a leader is about combining the unique talents, skills and perspectives of individuals towards a common goal and vision. You don’t have to have all the answers. Know when to collaborate, and when to consult.
- Invest in a Mentor: Mentorship is fast becoming one of the most sought after leadership development experiences. Why? Because it provides a rich exchange of knowledge and experience; can broaden perspective and networks; and provide a safe place to share, grow and learn. It’s an important self-care strategy.
My beautiful daughter emerged from the shopping trip with a range of outfits that fit her perfectly – that expressed her unique style, and personality – and she looks and feels comfortable in them. She’s going to be an amazing future leader. In fact, she already is an amazing leader.
Here we are doing the “tween” thing – a filtered selfie.
Also, if you need help or support with building a better team or stepping into your full leadership potential then please, reach out. Because I’m here to help.
Book your free clarity session or reach out today

Hi, I'm Katrina!