Giving Feedback Confidently

Does the thought of giving feedback to your team members fill you with anxiety and dread?   In the last few months I have been supporting leaders and managers in their performance management and annual performance appraisal process, and the question I get asked most is “how did you get confident giving feedback to your staff?”…

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How to create flow in your not-for-profit

Lately in your  not-for-profit leadership, when you have been asked “how are you?” or “how are things going?” do you find yourself saying things like “Stop the world I want to get off”, “Sooo busy!”, “It’s frantic”, “So much going on” or “I can’t keep up” ? These are all phrases that at different times…

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Self care for the Not for profit Leader

SELF CARE – Who has time for that, right?!?! Its time to talk about “self-care” as not-for-profit leaders. And I’m not talking diet, exercise and meditation!!! We are already being told, relentlessly, how important it is for our self-care to eat right, exercise regularly and meditate.  This is not one of ‘those’ lectures. If you…

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Why be an Authentic Leader?

Team Development and Coaching Brisbane - NewSky Consulting - a photo depicting a team of four people standing, a blonde female stands forward

As a leader in my Not for profit it took me a long time to realise the power of my own authenticity – and authentic leadership. It took me years to understand what it was about my organisation that made it genuinely different to others. I use to think it was its size, its niched…

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Shattered glass – burnout or just broken?

Twice now, in the space of less than a month, I have had a glass “accidently” broken at my feet by a waiter. Like, right at my feet! And both occasions I had nothing to do with the reason the glass broke. And both occasions it looked like neither did the waiter! Like it just…

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Get out of the scarcity cycle

At this point in time it seems like the scarcity mindset is rife in the NFP sector. Where has this “the sky is falling”, “not enough” and “survival mode” mentality come from? And at what cost to the people we are professing to serve? We are being constantly fed information and figures that there is…

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Flip Audit Anxiety into Calm

What is it about a quality system audit that sends us into a spasm of nervous energy or turning us into complete control freaks and perfectionists? Is it the feeling that you’re being ‘tested’ and ‘graded’ that sends you straight back to being in high school and that whole “will I pass, will I fail?”…

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