Leading with Values

LEADING WITH VALUES: Bringing Your A-Game Through Purpose-Driven Leadership

Sep 24, 2024

What does your A-Game look like? Really, take a moment and think about it. For many of us, the concept of “bringing our A-Game” conjures up images of striving, pushing, and giving our best effort, often in a way that feels like we’re reaching beyond ourselves. But what if I told you that bringing your A-Game isn’t about reaching or striving at all? Instead, it’s about aligning. It’s not hard to bring your A-Game when your A-Game is a true representation of who you are and what’s most important to you—leading with values – YOUR values!

You see, when you show up in accordance with your highest values, you don’t need to summon your A-Game; it’s always right there with you. It flows naturally. You move through your day feeling more at ease, more connected, and more authentically you. There’s no pretense, no effort to be someone you’re not—just you, leading from a place of deep integrity and alignment.

But let’s be real. The challenge doesn’t lie in knowing that your A-Game is values-aligned; it lies in being centered and conscious enough to live it every day. And to do that, you have to be self-aware and willing to do the work. Yes, the work. Because this isn’t a one-and-done deal; it’s a continuous process of growth and reflection.

It sounds simple, doesn’t it? Knowing your values. But ask yourself, when was the last time you truly paused to consider what’s most important to you? Our lives are filled with noise, with demands and expectations—both our own and those of others. It’s easy to get caught up in the rush and lose sight of what matters most. Knowing your values isn’t just about listing them; it’s about deeply understanding how they play out in your day-to-day decisions and actions.

Bringing your A-Game isn’t just about how you show up for your business, your team, or your clients. It’s also about how you show up for yourself. Are you honoring your values in the quiet moments, the ones no one else sees? Are you extending the same respect, care, and integrity to yourself that you so freely give to others? Because the truth is, when we are aligned with our values, it shows. Not just in the big moments, but in the small, seemingly insignificant ones too.

Self-awareness isn’t a destination; it’s a journey. It requires ongoing reflection, a willingness to look honestly at ourselves, and sometimes, a whole lot of humility. It’s the kind of work that asks us to examine not just our actions, but our motivations. To understand not just what we’re doing, but why we’re doing it. And it’s in that understanding that we find the power to truly bring our A-Game, every single day.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Your A-Game doesn’t just impact you; it impacts everyone around you. It creates a ripple effect, one that flows far beyond what you can see or even imagine. When you’re leading from a place of values-alignment, that ripple is one of authenticity, integrity, and purpose. And that’s the kind of impact that lasts.

So, what does your A-Game look like? I’d love to hear about it. Share with me, because your story, your journey, and your A-Game inspire more than you might know.

  1. What are your highest values, and how do they show up in your daily actions and decisions?
  2. In what ways can you deepen your self-awareness to ensure you’re consistently leading from your A-Game?
  3. How does your A-Game create a positive ripple effect in your business, your leadership, and your personal life?
Leading with Values

Being an authentic leader creates a values-driven team and organisation, where the people, process and the purpose are fully aligned, and the business is in flow. So, if you’re wondering how ‘in flow’, congruent and authentic you are in your leadership, download this self-reflective tool to explore your authenticity in leadership.

Interested in leading with your values and fully aligned? Connect with me on Instagram so we can continue the conversation.